End of Modern Civilization And Alternative Future
Section I : What Is Civilization
Civilization As A Broad Cultural Identity
Section II : Civilizations in Historical Perspective
One World - Many Civilizations
Section III : What Is Modern Civilization
Modern Industrial civilization
Section IV : Evolution of Modern Civilization
History (Evolution) of Modern Civilization
Section V : Preindustrial Society
Preindustrial Society
Section VI : Theories on End of Modern Civilization
Theories on The End of Modern Industrial Civilization
Section VII : The Threats To Modern Civilization
Threat 1 - Food Insecurity
Threat 2 - Global Water Scarcity
Threat 3 - Resource Depletion
Threat 4 - Moral, Ethical, Spiritual Ruination
Threat 5 - Violence & Wars, Clash of Civilizations
Threat 6 - Resurgence of Diseases & Health Issues
Threat 7 - Brittle Economies
Threat 8 - Growing Cruelty and Desensitization
Section VIII: The Alternative Future
Alternative Future 1 - A World Based on Proper Understanding of Self
Alternative Future 2 - Ecology of The Mind, Chanting of The Holy Name
Alternative Future 3 - Holy Cow: Land & Cow Subsistence
Alternative Future 4 - Enlightened Agriculture
Alternative Future 5 - From Artificial Necessities To Basics of Life
Alternative Future 6 - Living on Mother Nature’s Gifts
What Is Civilization
“The true test of civilization is, not the census, nor the size of the cities, nor the crops, but the kind of man that the country turns out.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson