End of Modern Civilization And Alternative Future
Section I : What Is Civilization
Civilization As A Broad Cultural Identity
Section II : Civilizations in Historical Perspective
One World - Many Civilizations
Section III : What Is Modern Civilization
Modern Industrial civilization
Section IV : Evolution of Modern Civilization
History (Evolution) of Modern Civilization
Section V : Preindustrial Society
Preindustrial Society
Section VI : Theories on End of Modern Civilization
Theories on The End of Modern Industrial Civilization
Section VII : The Threats To Modern Civilization
Threat 1 - Food Insecurity
Threat 2 - Global Water Scarcity
Threat 3 - Resource Depletion
Threat 4 - Moral, Ethical, Spiritual Ruination
Threat 5 - Violence & Wars, Clash of Civilizations
Threat 6 - Resurgence of Diseases & Health Issues
Threat 7 - Brittle Economies
Threat 8 - Growing Cruelty and Desensitization
Section VIII: The Alternative Future
Alternative Future 1 - A World Based on Proper Understanding of Self
Alternative Future 2 - Ecology of The Mind, Chanting of The Holy Name
Alternative Future 3 - Holy Cow: Land & Cow Subsistence
Alternative Future 4 - Enlightened Agriculture
Alternative Future 5 - From Artificial Necessities To Basics of Life
Alternative Future 6 - Living on Mother Nature’s Gifts